About Us

Who We Are

Promech was founded in 2021 in Attebele Industrial area of Bangalore, in Karnataka with world class infrastructure, health & Safety standards, environmental compliance in an ever-growing business Community.
Promech is specialized in design, development, fabrication, powder coating, assembly and sales of durable metal enclousers with best in class finishing for LV & MV Switchgear.


We process-oriented organization that complies with international quality

Promech is specialized in design, development, fabrication, powder coating, assembly and sales of durable metal enclosures with best in class finishing for LV & MV switchgear
Promech was founded in 2021 in Attebele Industrial area of Bangalore, in Karnataka with world class infrastructure, health & safety standards, environmental compliance in an ever-growing business community.


Promech is specialized in design, development, fabrication, powder coating, assembly and sales of durable metal enclosures with best in class finishing for LV & MV switchgear.
Overall, Promech develops and manufactures sheet metal products for various market sectors like industries, hospitals, airports, commercial & residential buildings and high-end infrastructures.


Provide turneky solutions in the LV Electrical Switchgear Industry in the Bengaluru Karnataka with strong focus on delivering the best, cost effective products and solutions catering to the needs of our customers.


Become one of the leading supplier and solutions provider for LV switchgear and systems in the Bengal.


Promech is committed to quality, both of our products and in our workplace. We aim for the safe and efficient production of our products by adhering to strict good manufacturing practices such as 55 program to safeguard quality and supply of our products.


Promech is committed to quality, both of our products and in our workplace. We aim for the safe and efficient production of our products by adhering to strict good manufacturing practices such as 55 program to safeguard quality and supply of our products.


Successful Projects


Promech is a process-oriented organization that complies with international quality, environment, occupational health and safety standards.
The company is equipped with an Integrated Management System that brings in quality of products, customer satisfaction, environmental standards and occupational health and safety measures of the employees at the center stage of the company’s policy and objectives.
Promech is certified ISO 9001-2015. All Promech operational processes have been revamped as per the Lean Manufacturing concept, ensuring shorter customer lead times, higher flexibility and optimized capacity.

About Our Industry

The company has a complete manufacturing facility spanning 20,000 sq. ft consisting state-of-the-art industrial facilities with high tech machineries from the world’s best manufactures such as Muratec, LVD, etc…

Work Process



The experienced and capable designers work on software’s like solid works and inventor, study the customer requirements and prepare the design for the products. While giving due importance to meet the customer requirements, specific care is taken to ensure ergonomic, reduction in wastage, safety in handling and operation (e.G., ROHS compliance, adhering to tested and certified design), fast assembly, product easy to wire for the customer, minimizing cycle time in promech and in customer’s own factory.



By the use of state-of-the-art machinery, abiding to 5S & lean manufacturing principles, chances of errors are eliminated. Experienced quality controllers conduct a first piece inspection from punching, bending and welding ensuring the fabricated product is produced as per the drawing. Measuring instruments are periodically calibrated.





Deep cross cuts are made on the coated samples exposing the base metal. This sample is kept in a chamber and salt solution is sprayed continuously under observation. There shall be no blistering on the coated surface. There shall be no more than 3mm spreading of corrosion along the sides of the scribes after 250 hours. Products of promech passes 1000 hours of salt spray test.



Assembled products are subjected to visual inspection, adherence to customer requirements, design standards and drawings. Standard check lists are made available to the inspectors for verifying each aspect. On approval of the quality controller, the assemblies are sent for packing which is standardized.



With an urge to provide international quality products locally, specific attention is given to the procurement of material. Quality controller inspects the materials by collecting relevant specifications, drawings representative samples from design department. Material safety data sheet is referred for storage and usage of the chemicals. For the reference and verification of the raw materials like EG sheets, GI sheets, aluminum sheets, copper bus bars, test certificate/mill certificate is used. Most of the incoming materials / items are checked on sampling basis where dimensions, finish, material quality, fit and all other requirements are checked as per required specification/ drawings using relevant calibrated instruments. A well derived system of rating suppliers is implemented which helps to know the performance of the suppliers which further helps to procure quality material on time, every time.
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+91-8012412437 | +91-8197606115